
Marjan Pivka

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4EEMarjan Pivka, Matjaz Mulej: Requisitely Holistic ISO 9000 Audit Leads To Continuous Innovation/Improvement. Cybernetics and Systems 35(4): 363-378 (2004)
3 Matjaz Mulej, Majda Bastic, Janko Belak, Jozica Knez-Riedl, Marjan Pivka, Vojko Potocan, Miroslav Rebernik, Dusko Ur, Zdenka Zenko, Nastja Mulej: Informal Systems Thinking Or Systems Theory. Cybernetics and Systems 34(2): 71-92 (2003)
2EEHo-Won Jung, Marjan Pivka, Jong-Yoon Kim: An empirical study of complexity metrics in Cobol programs. Journal of Systems and Software 51(2): 111-118 (2000)
1 Marjan Pivka: Control Mechanisms for Assuring Better IS Quality. Informatica (Slovenia) 22(3): (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Majda Bastic [3]
2Janko Belak [3]
3Ho-Won Jung [2]
4Jong-Yoon Kim [2]
5Jozica Knez-Riedl [3]
6Matjaz Mulej [3] [4]
7Nastja Mulej [3]
8Vojko Potocan [3]
9Miroslav Rebernik [3]
10Dusko Ur [3]
11Zdenka Zenko [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)