
Jean François Pique

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10EEDavid-Olivier Azulay, Jean François Pique: A revised simplex method with integer Q-matrices. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 27(3): 350-360 (2001)
9EEDavid-Olivier Azulay, Jean François Pique: Optimized Q-pivot for Exact Linear Solvers. CP 1998: 55-71
8 David-Olivier Azulay, Jean François Pique: Optimisation des Q-matrices pour la résolution de contraintes linéaires. JFPLC 1998: 199-
7 Jean François Pique: Dynamic Revision of Choice Points during Garbage Collection in Prolog [II/III]. IWMM 1992: 330-343
6 Jean François Pique: Décompilation conservant le déterminisme. SPLT 1990: 571-
5 Jean François Pique: Prolog II, A Step On the Prolog Road. AI Commun. 1(2): 4-16 (1988)
4 Jean François Pique: Drawing Trees and their Equations in Prolog. ICLP 1984: 23-33
3 Jean François Pique, Paul Sabatier: An Informative, Adaptable and Efficient Natural Language Consultable Database System. ECAI 1982: 250-254
2 Jean François Pique: On a Semantic Representation of Natural Language Sentences. ICLP 1982: 215-223
1 Alain Colmerauer, Jean François Pique: About Natural Logic. Advances in Data Base Theory 1979: 343-365

Coauthor Index

1David-Olivier Azulay [8] [9] [10]
2Alain Colmerauer [1]
3Paul Sabatier [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)