
Guilherme A. Pinto

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5EECleber V. G. Mira, Zanoni Dias, Hederson P. Santos, Guilherme A. Pinto, Maria Emilia M. T. Walter: Transposition Distance Based on the Algebraic Formalism. BSB 2008: 115-126
4EEArnaldo V. Moura, Guilherme A. Pinto: Classes of Timed Automata and the Undecidability of Universality. Fundam. Inform. 82(1-2): 171-184 (2008)
3EEDaniel A. S. Anjos, Gustavo G. Zerlotini, Guilherme A. Pinto, Maria Emilia Telles Walter, Marcelo M. Brigido, Guilherme P. Telles, Carlos Juliano M. Viana, Nalvo F. Almeida: A Method for Inferring Biological Functions Using Homologous Genes Among Three Genomes. BSB 2007: 69-80
2EEArnaldo V. Moura, Guilherme A. Pinto: Classes of Timed Automata and the Undecidability of Universality. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 65(6): (2002)
1EEArnaldo V. Moura, Guilherme A. Pinto: A note on the verification of automata specifications of probabilistic real-time systems. Inf. Process. Lett. 82(5): 223-228 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Nalvo F. Almeida [3]
2Daniel A. S. Anjos [3]
3Marcelo M. Brigido [3]
4Zanoni Dias [5]
5Cleber V. G. Mira [5]
6Arnaldo V. Moura [1] [2] [4]
7Hederson P. Santos [5]
8Guilherme P. Telles [3]
9Carlos Juliano M. Viana [3]
10Maria Emilia M. T. Walter [5]
11Maria Emilia Telles Walter [3]
12Gustavo G. Zerlotini [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)