2004 | ||
4 | EE | Allan Pinkus: Strictly Positive Definite Functions on a Real Inner Product Space. Adv. Comput. Math. 20(4): 263-271 (2004) |
2003 | ||
3 | EE | Carl de Boor, Allan Pinkus: The B-spline recurrence relations of Chakalov and of Popoviciu. Journal of Approximation Theory 124(1): 115-123 (2003) |
1999 | ||
2 | EE | Vitaly Maiorov, Allan Pinkus: Lower bounds for approximation by MLP neural networks. Neurocomputing 25(1-3): 81-91 (1999) |
1993 | ||
1 | EE | Moshe Leshno, Vladimir Ya. Lin, Allan Pinkus, Shimon Schocken: Multilayer feedforward networks with a nonpolynomial activation function can approximate any function. Neural Networks 6(6): 861-867 (1993) |
1 | Carl de Boor | [3] |
2 | Moshe Leshno | [1] |
3 | Vladimir Ya. Lin | [1] |
4 | Vitaly Maiorov | [2] |
5 | Shimon Schocken | [1] |