
Miroslav Pinak

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5EEJuraj Kotulic Bunta, Aatto Laaksonen, Miroslav Pinak, Toshiyuki Nemoto: DNA strand break: Structural and electrostatic properties studied by molecular dynamics simulation. Computational Biology and Chemistry 30(2): 112-119 (2006)
4EEHirofumi Fujimoto, Miroslav Pinak, Toshiyuki Nemoto, Peter O'Neill, Etsuo Kume, Kimiaki Saito, Hideaki Maekawa: Molecular dynamics simulation of clustered DNA damage sites containing 8-oxoguanine and abasic site. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(8): 788-798 (2005)
3EEMiroslav Pinak: Electrostatic energy analysis of 8-oxoguanine DNA lesion--molecular dynamics study. Computational Biology and Chemistry 27(3): 431-441 (2003)
2EEMiroslav Pinak: 8-oxoguanine lesioned B-DNA molecule complexed with repair enzyme hOGG1: A molecular dynamics study. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(7): 898-907 (2003)
1EEMiroslav Pinak: Molecular dynamics simulation of thymine glycol-lesioned DNA reveals specific hydration at the lesion. Journal of Computational Chemistry 22(15): 1723-1731 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Juraj Kotulic Bunta [5]
2Hirofumi Fujimoto [4]
3Etsuo Kume [4]
4Aatto Laaksonen [5]
5Hideaki Maekawa [4]
6Toshiyuki Nemoto [4] [5]
7Peter O'Neill [4]
8Kimiaki Saito [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)