
Blazej Pietrzak

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5EEBlazej Pietrzak, Bartosz Walter: Leveraging Code Smell Detection with Inter-smell Relations. XP 2006: 75-84
4EEJerzy R. Nawrocki, Lukasz Olek, Michal Jasiñski, Bartosz Paliswiat, Bartosz Walter, Blazej Pietrzak, Piotr Godek: Balancing Agility and Discipline with XPrince. RISE 2005: 266-277
3EEBartosz Walter, Blazej Pietrzak: Multi-criteria Detection of Bad Smells in Code with UTA Method. XP 2005: 154-161
2 Blazej Pietrzak, Bartosz Walter: Exploring Bad Code Smells Dependencies. Software Engineering: Evolution and Emerging Technologies 2005: 353-364
1EEBartosz Walter, Blazej Pietrzak: Automated Generation of Unit Tests for Refactoring. XP 2004: 211-214

Coauthor Index

1Piotr Godek [4]
2Michal Jasiñski [4]
3Jerzy R. Nawrocki [4]
4Lukasz Olek [4]
5Bartosz Paliswiat [4]
6Bartosz Walter [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)