
Massimo Di Pierro

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5 Massimo Di Pierro: Matrix Distributed Processing and Applications. CSC 2006: 63-72
4EEMassimo Di Pierro: Parallel Programming with Matrix Distributed Processing CoRR abs/hep-lat/0505005: (2005)
3EEMassimo Di Pierro: A Bird's Eye View of Matrix Distributed Processing. ICCSA (1) 2003: 1045-1051
2EEMassimo Di Pierro: A Bird's eye view of Matrix Distributed Processing CoRR cs.DC/0303031: (2003)
1EEMassimo Di Pierro: Matrix Distributed Processing: A set of C++ Tools for implementing generic lattice computations on parallel systems CoRR hep-lat/0004007: (2000)

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)