
R. H. Pierce

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6EEA. G. Faulkner, P. A. Bennett, R. H. Pierce, I. H. A. Johnston, N. Storey: The Safety Management of Data-Driven Safety-Related Systems. SAFECOMP 2000: 86-95
5 R. H. Pierce, Sandra Ayache, Roger Ward, John Stevens, Helen Clifton, J. Galle: Capturing and Verifying Performance Requirements for Hard Real Time Systems. Ada-Europe 1997: 137-148
4 A. D. Hutcheon, D. T. Jordan, John A. McDermid, R. H. Pierce, I. C. Wand, B. J. Jepson: Tool Support for High Integrity Ada Software. Ada-Europe 1994: 63-75
3 R. H. Pierce, I. Marshall, S. J. Goodenough: Object-Oriented Design of an Air-Defence Simulator. Ada-Europe 1993: 114-124
2 R. H. Pierce, J. Rowell: A Transformation-Directed Compiling System. Comput. J. 20(2): 109-115 (1977)
1 R. H. Pierce: Source Language Debugging on a Small Computer. Comput. J. 17(4): 313-317 (1974)

Coauthor Index

1Sandra Ayache [5]
2P. A. Bennett [6]
3Helen Clifton [5]
4A. G. Faulkner [6]
5J. Galle [5]
6S. J. Goodenough [3]
7A. D. Hutcheon [4]
8B. J. Jepson [4]
9I. H. A. Johnston [6]
10D. T. Jordan [4]
11I. Marshall [3]
12John A. McDermid [4]
13J. Rowell [2]
14John Stevens [5]
15N. Storey [6]
16I. C. Wand [4]
17Roger Ward [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)