
Brigitte Pientka

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27EEJoshua Dunfield, Brigitte Pientka: Case Analysis of Higher-Order Data. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 228: 69-84 (2009)
26EEBrigitte Pientka: A type-theoretic foundation for programming with higher-order abstract syntax and first-class substitutions. POPL 2008: 371-382
25EEBrigitte Pientka, Joshua Dunfield: Programming with proofs and explicit contexts. PPDP 2008: 163-173
24EEAleksandar Nanevski, Frank Pfenning, Brigitte Pientka: Contextual modal type theory. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 9(3): (2008)
23EEBrigitte Pientka, Carsten Schürmann: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 196: 1 (2008)
22EEBrigitte Pientka, Xi Li, Florent Pompigne: Focusing the Inverse Method for LF: A Preliminary Report. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 196: 95-112 (2008)
21EESamuli Heilala, Brigitte Pientka: Bidirectional Decision Procedures for the Intuitionistic Propositional Modal Logic IS4. CADE 2007: 116-131
20EEBrigitte Pientka: Proof Pearl: The Power of Higher-Order Encodings in the Logical Framework LF. TPHOLs 2007: 246-261
19EEAlberto Momigliano, Brigitte Pientka: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 174(5): 1-2 (2007)
18EEBrigitte Pientka: Functional Programming With Higher-order Abstract Syntax and Explicit Substitutions. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 174(7): 41-60 (2007)
17EEBrigitte Pientka: Overcoming Performance Barriers: Efficient Verification Techniques for Logical Frameworks. ICLP 2006: 3-10
16EEBrigitte Pientka: Eliminating Redundancy in Higher-Order Unification: A Lightweight Approach. IJCAR 2006: 362-376
15EEBrigitte Pientka: Tabling for Higher-Order Logic Programming. CADE 2005: 54-68
14EESusmit Sarkar, Brigitte Pientka, Karl Crary: Small Proof Witnesses for LF. ICLP 2005: 387-401
13EEBrigitte Pientka: Verifying Termination and Reduction Properties about Higher-Order Logic Programs. J. Autom. Reasoning 34(2): 179-207 (2005)
12EEBrigitte Pientka, Frank Pfenning: Optimizing Higher-Order Pattern Unification. CADE 2003: 473-487
11EEBrigitte Pientka: Higher-Order Substitution Tree Indexing. ICLP 2003: 377-391
10EEAleksandar Nanevski, Brigitte Pientka, Frank Pfenning: A modal foundation for meta-variables. MERLIN 2003
9EEBrigitte Pientka: A Proof-Theoretic Foundation for Tabled Higher-Order Logic Programming. ICLP 2002: 271-286
8EEBrigitte Pientka: Memoization-Based Proof Search in LF - an Experimental Evaluation of a Prototype. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 70(2): (2002)
7EEBrigitte Pientka: Termination and Reduction Checking for Higher-Order Logic Programs. IJCAR 2001: 401-415
6 Christoph Kreitz, Brigitte Pientka: Connection-Driven Inductive Theorem Proving. Studia Logica 69(2): 293-326 (2001)
5 Christoph Kreitz, Jens Otten, Stephan Schmitt, Brigitte Pientka: Matrix-based Constructive Theorem Proving. Intellectics and Computational Logic 2000: 189-205
4 Christoph Kreitz, Brigitte Pientka: Matrix-Based Inductive Theorem Proving. TABLEAUX 2000: 294-308
3 Brigitte Pientka, Christoph Kreitz: Automating Inductive Specification Proofs. Fundam. Inform. 39(1-2): 189-209 (1999)
2EEBrigitte Pientka, Christoph Kreitz: Instantiation of Existentially Quantified Variables in Inductive Specification Proofs. AISC 1998: 247-258
1 Stefan Gerberding, Brigitte Pientka: Structured Incremental Proof Planning. KI 1997: 63-74

Coauthor Index

1Karl Crary [14]
2Joshua Dunfield [25] [27]
3Stefan Gerberding [1]
4Samuli Heilala [21]
5Christoph Kreitz [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
6Xi Li [22]
7Alberto Momigliano [19]
8Aleksandar Nanevski [10] [24]
9Jens Otten [5]
10Frank Pfenning [10] [12] [24]
11Florent Pompigne [22]
12Susmit Sarkar [14]
13Stephan Schmitt [5]
14Carsten Schürmann [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)