
Jonathan Pickering

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3EEMarc Christie, Rumesh Machap, Jean-Marie Normand, Patrick Olivier, Jonathan Pickering: Virtual Camera Planning: A Survey. Smart Graphics 2005: 40-52
2EESandy Louchart, Daniela Romano, Ruth Aylett, Jonathan Pickering: Speaking and acting - Interacting language and action for an expressive character. IVEVA 2004
1EEJonathan Pickering, Patrick Olivier: Declarative Camera Planning: Roles and Requirements. Smart Graphics 2003: 182-191

Coauthor Index

1Ruth Aylett [2]
2Marc Christie [3]
3Sandy Louchart [2]
4Rumesh Machap [3]
5Jean-Marie Normand [3]
6Patrick Olivier [1] [3]
7Daniela Romano [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)