
Josef Pichler

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5EEWalter Hargassner, Thomas Hofer, Claus Klammer, Josef Pichler, Gernot Reisinger: A Script-Based Testbed for Mobile Software Frameworks. ICST 2008: 448-457
4EEJosef Pichler, Rudolf Ramler: How to Test the Intangible Properties of Graphical User Interfaces? ICST 2008: 494-497
3EEJosef Pichler, Reinhold Plösch, Rainer Weinreich: MASIF und FIPA: Standards für Agenten - Übersicht und Anwendung. Informatik Spektrum 25(2): 91-100 (2002)
2EERainer Weinreich, Josef Pichler: An Integrated Approach for Documenting, Exploring, and Building Framework-Based Software. TOOLS (37) 2000: 316-327
1EEReinhold Plösch, Josef Pichler: Contracts: From Analysis to C++ Implementation. TOOLS (30) 1999: 248-257

Coauthor Index

1Walter Hargassner [5]
2Thomas Hofer [5]
3Claus Klammer [5]
4Reinhold Plösch [1] [3]
5Rudolf Ramler [4]
6Gernot Reisinger [5]
7Rainer Weinreich [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)