
Horst Pichler

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10EEJohann Eder, Horst Pichler, Stefan Vielgut: An Architecture for Proactive Timed Web Service Compositions. Business Process Management Workshops 2006: 323-335
9 Johann Eder, Horst Pichler, Stefan Vielgut: A Technique for the Prediction of Deadline-Violations in Inter-Organizational Business Processes. DB&IS 2006: 57-71
8EEJohann Eder, Hannes Eichner, Horst Pichler: A Probabilistic Approach to Reduce the Number of Deadline Violations and the Tardiness of Workflows. OTM Workshops (1) 2006: 5-7
7EEMartin Bierbaumer, Johann Eder, Horst Pichler: Calculation of Delay Times for Workflows with Fixed-Date Constraints. CEC 2005: 544-547
6EEMartin Bierbaumer, Johann Eder, Horst Pichler: Accelerating Workflows with Fixed Date Constraints. ER 2005: 337-352
5EEJohann Eder, Horst Pichler: Probabilistic Calculation of Execution Intervals for Workflows. TIME 2005: 183-185
4 Johann Eder, Christian Koncilia, Marek Lehmann, Horst Pichler: Using Ontologies to Compose Transformations of XML Schema Based Documents. CAiSE Workshops (3) 2004: 315-318
3EEJohann Eder, Horst Pichler: Response Time Histograms for Composite Web Services. ICWS 2004: 832-833
2EEJohann Eder, Horst Pichler, Wolfgang Gruber, Michael Ninaus: Personal Schedules for Workflow Systems. Business Process Management 2003: 216-231
1 Johann Eder, Horst Pichler: Duration Histograms for Workflow Systems. Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context 2002: 239-253

Coauthor Index

1Martin Bierbaumer [6] [7]
2Johann Eder [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
3Hannes Eichner [8]
4Wolfgang Gruber [2]
5Christian Koncilia [4]
6Marek Lehmann [4]
7Michael Ninaus [2]
8Stefan Vielgut [9] [10]

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