
E. Pichat

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7 Toufik Sentissi, E. Pichat: Translation Methodology Based on Metamodel. IADT 1998: 200-208
6EEToufik Sentissi, E. Pichat: A Graphical User Interface for Object-Oriented Database. SCCC 1997: 227-239
5 A. Andraws, E. Pichat: EA Plus ou l'introduction de rôles dans le modèle entité-association. BDA 1991: 93-
4 A. Azar, V. Cabrera, E. Pichat: Logiciel d'aide à la conception de systèmes d'information: LACSI. BDA 1987: 165-186
3 E. Pichat: Algorithme de Décomposition de Clés. ITA 19(3): 213-232 (1985)
2 Claude Delobel, E. Pichat: The design of relational information system according to different kinds of dependencies. ECI 1978: 266-290
1 E. Pichat: Algorithms for finding the maximal elements of a finite universal algebra. IFIP Congress (1) 1968: 214-218

Coauthor Index

1A. Andraws [5]
2A. Azar [4]
3V. Cabrera [4]
4Claude Delobel [2]
5Toufik Sentissi [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)