
Francisco Ibarra Picó

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7EEFrancisco Ibarra Picó, A. Grediaga Olivo, F. Garcia-Crespi, A. Camara: An Electronic Reconfigurable Neural Architecture for Intrusion Detection. IWINAC (2) 2005: 376-384
6EEFrancisco Ibarra Picó, F. Garcia-Crespi, S. A. Cuenca-Asesnsi: A DSP Implementation of an AOM and its Application to Defects Detection in Textile Material. WSCG (Posters) 2001: 32-33
5EEFrancisco Ibarra Picó, Andrés Fuster Guilló, José Colom López: Remote Web Server of Digital Signal Processors Cards and Its Applications in Education. ICMCS, Vol. 1 1999: 880-884
4 Francisco Ibarra Picó, S. Cuenca Asensi, Juan Manuel García Chamizo: Feature Extraction with an Associative Neural Network and Its Application in Industrial Quality Control. IWANN (2) 1999: 460-466
3 Francisco Ibarra Picó, S. Cuenca Asensi: An Associative Neural Network and Its Special Purpose Pipeline Architecture in Image Analysis. IWANN (2) 1999: 95-106
2 Francisco Ibarra Picó, Juan Manuel García Chamizo, Ramón Rizo Aldeguer, D. Corredor Lacha: An Adaptive Orthogonal Associative Memory and its Application to Character Recognition. IWANN 1995: 942-947
1 D. Asensi Muñoz, A. Almagro León, Francisco Ibarra Picó: Texture Classification on Real Time Using Semi-cover Vector and and Orthogonal Neural Network. IWANN 1995: 948-955

Coauthor Index

1Ramón Rizo Aldeguer [2]
2S. Cuenca Asensi [3] [4]
3A. Camara [7]
4Juan Manuel García Chamizo [2] [4]
5S. A. Cuenca-Asesnsi [6]
6F. Garcia-Crespi [6] [7]
7Andrés Fuster Guilló [5]
8D. Corredor Lacha [2]
9A. Almagro León [1]
10José Colom López [5]
11D. Asensi Muñoz [1]
12A. Grediaga Olivo [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)