
C. Phillips

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6 C. Phillips, Ronald H. Perrott: Problems with Data Parallelism. Parallel Processing Letters 11(1): 77-94 (2001)
5 S.-G. Seo, M. J. Downie, Grant E. Hearn, C. Phillips: A Systolic Algorithm for the Factorisation of Matrices Arising in the Field of Hydrodynamics. VECPAR 1998: 355-364
4 M. Pakzad, J. L. Lloyd, C. Phillips: Independent Columns: A New Parallel ILU Preconditioner for the PCG Method. Parallel Computing 23(6): 637-647 (1997)
3EED. Woo, P. Dermody, C. Phillips: Analysis of human gating performance using time frequency analysis. ANZIIS 1996: 117-119
2 C. Phillips: The performance of the BLAS and LAPACK on a shared memory scalar multiprocessor. Parallel Computing 17(6-7): 751-761 (1991)
1EEI. Barrodale, C. Phillips: Algorithm 495: Solution of an Overdetermined System of Linear Equations in the Chebychev Norm [F4]. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 1(3): 264-270 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1I. Barrodale [1]
2P. Dermody [3]
3M. J. Downie [5]
4Grant E. Hearn [5]
5J. L. Lloyd [4]
6M. Pakzad [4]
7Ronald H. Perrott [6]
8S.-G. Seo [5]
9D. Woo [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)