
Nikolay Petkov

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5 Nikolay Petkov: Design of Bit-level systolic convolvers for image processing. Recent Issues in Pattern Analysis and Recognition 1989: 121-131
4 Nikolay Petkov: Utilizing fixed-size systolic arrays for large computational problems. Recent Issues in Pattern Analysis and Recognition 1989: 132-142
3 Nikolay Petkov, F. Sloboda: A bit-level systolic array for digital contour smoothing. Parallel Computing 12(3): 301-313 (1989)
2 Nikolay Petkov: Running order statistics on a bit-level systolic array. Parcella 1988: 317-325
1 Nikolay Petkov: Synthesis of Systolic Algorithms and Processor Arrays. CONPAR 1986: 165-172

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1F. Sloboda [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)