
Attila Pethö

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15EEShigeki Akiyama, Horst Brunotte, Attila Pethö, Wolfgang Steiner: Periodicity of certain piecewise affine planar maps CoRR abs/0704.3674: (2007)
14EEAttila Bérczes, Attila Pethö, Volker Ziegler: Parameterized norm form equations with arithmetic progressions. J. Symb. Comput. 41(7): 790-810 (2006)
13EEClemens Heuberger, Attila Pethö, Robert F. Tichy: Thomas' Family of Thue Equations Over Imaginary Quadratic Fields. J. Symb. Comput. 34(5): 437-449 (2002)
12EEShigeki Akiyama, Attila Pethö: On canonical number systems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 270(1-2): 921-933 (2002)
11EEJános Demetrovics, Attila Pethö, Lajos Rónyai: On 1-Representations of Integers. Acta Cybern. 14(1): 27-36 (1999)
10EEAttila Pethö, E. Herrmann, Horst Günter Zimmer: S-integral Points on Elliptic Curves and Fermat's Triple Equations. ANTS 1998: 528-540
9 Attila Pethö, Robert F. Tichy: On Two-Parametric Quartic Families of Diophantine Problems. J. Symb. Comput. 26(2): 151-171 (1998)
8 Josef Gebel, Attila Pethö, Horst Günter Zimmer: Computing S-Integral Points on Elliptic Curves. ANTS 1996: 157-171
7 Maurice Mignotte, Attila Pethö, Ralf Roth: Complete solutions of a family of quartic Thue and index form equations. Math. Comput. 65(213): 341-354 (1996)
6 István Gaál, Attila Pethö, Michael Pohst: On the Resolution of Index Form Equations in Quartic Number Fields. J. Symb. Comput. 16(6): 563-584 (1993)
5EEAttila Pethö: Application of Gröbner Bases to the Resolution of Systems of Norm Equations. ISSAC 1991: 144-150
4EEIstván Gaál, Attila Pethö, Michael Pohst: On the Resolution of Index Form Equations. ISSAC 1991: 185-186
3 Attila Pethö: On the Resolution of Thue Inequalities. J. Symb. Comput. 4(1): 103-109 (1987)
2 Johannes Buchmann, Attila Pethö: Computation of Independent Units in Number Fields by Dirichlet's Method. AAECC 1985: 302-305
1 Attila Pethö: On the Solution of the Diophantine Equation Gn=pz. European Conference on Computer Algebra (2) 1985: 503-512

Coauthor Index

1Shigeki Akiyama [12] [15]
2Attila Bérczes [14]
3Horst Brunotte [15]
4Johannes Buchmann [2]
5János Demetrovics [11]
6István Gaál [4] [6]
7Josef Gebel [8]
8E. Herrmann [10]
9Clemens Heuberger [13]
10Maurice Mignotte [7]
11Michael E. Pohst (Michael Pohst) [4] [6]
12Lajos Rónyai [11]
13Ralf Roth [7]
14Wolfgang Steiner [15]
15Robert F. Tichy [9] [13]
16Volker Ziegler [14]
17Horst Günter Zimmer [8] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)