
Ya'acov Peterzil

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10EEAlf Onshuus, Ya'acov Peterzil: A note on stable sets, groups, and theories with NIP. Math. Log. Q. 53(3): 295-300 (2007)
9EEAlessandro Berarducci, Margarita Otero, Ya'acov Peterzil, Anand Pillay: A descending chain condition for groups definable in o-minimal structures. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 134(2-3): 303-313 (2005)
8EEAlon Altman, Ya'acov Peterzil, Yoad Winter: Scope Dominance with Upward Monotone Quantifiers. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 14(4): 445-455 (2005)
7 Oleg V. Belegradek, Ya'acov Peterzil, Frank Wagner: Quasi-O-Minimal Structures. J. Symb. Log. 65(3): 1115-1132 (2000)
6 Ya'acov Peterzil, Sergei Starchenko: Definable Homomorphisms of Abelian Groups in oMminimal Structures. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 101(1): 1-27 (1999)
5EEYa'acov Peterzil, Sergei Starchenko: Geometry, calculus and Zil'ber's conjecture. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2(1): 72-83 (1996)
4 Ya'acov Peterzil: Zilber's Conjecture for Some o-Minimal Structures over the Reals. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 61(3): 223-239 (1993)
3 Ya'acov Peterzil: Reducts of Some Structures over the Reals. J. Symb. Log. 58(3): 955-966 (1993)
2 David Marker, Ya'acov Peterzil, Anand Pillay: Additive Reducts of Real Closed Fields. J. Symb. Log. 57(1): 109-117 (1992)
1 Ya'acov Peterzil: A Structure Theorem for Semibounded Sets in the Reals. J. Symb. Log. 57(3): 779-794 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Alon Altman [8]
2Oleg V. Belegradek [7]
3Alessandro Berarducci [9]
4Frank Geraets (Frank Wagner) [7]
5David Marker [2]
6Alf Onshuus [10]
7Margarita Otero [9]
8Anand Pillay [2] [9]
9Sergei Starchenko [5] [6]
10Yoad Winter [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)