
Vladimir Pestov

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14EEVladimir Pestov: Lower Bounds on Performance of Metric Tree Indexing Schemes for Exact Similarity Search in High Dimensions CoRR abs/0812.0146: (2008)
13EEVladimir Pestov: An axiomatic approach to intrinsic dimension of a dataset. Neural Networks 21(2-3): 204-213 (2008)
12EEVladimir Pestov: Intrinsic dimension of a dataset: what properties does one expect? IJCNN 2007: 2959-2964
11EEVladimir Pestov: An axiomatic approach to intrinsic dimension of a dataset CoRR abs/0712.2063: (2007)
10EEVladimir Pestov: Intrinsic dimension of a dataset: what properties does one expect? CoRR abs/cs/0703125: (2007)
9EEAleksandar Stojmirovic, Vladimir Pestov: Indexing schemes for similarity search in datasets of short protein fragments. Inf. Syst. 32(8): 1145-1165 (2007)
8EEVladimir Pestov, Aleksandar Stojmirovic: Indexing Schemes for Similarity Search: an Illustrated Paradigm. Fundam. Inform. 70(4): 367-385 (2006)
7EEAleksandar Stojmirovic, Vladimir Pestov: Indexing Schemes for Similarity Search In Datasets of Short Protein Fragments CoRR cs.DS/0309005: (2003)
6EEVladimir Pestov, Aleksandar Stojmirovic: Indexing schemes for similarity search: an illustrated paradigm CoRR cs.DS/0211018: (2002)
5EEVladimir Pestov: On the geometry of similarity search: Dimensionality curse and concentration of measure. Inf. Process. Lett. 73(1-2): 47-51 (2000)
4EEVladimir Pestov: A Geometric Framework for Modelling Similarity Search. DEXA Workshop 1999: 150-154
3EEMarkus Hegland, Vladimir Pestov: Additive models in high dimensions CoRR cs.DS/9912020: (1999)
2EEVladimir Pestov: On the geometry of similarity search: dimensionality curse and concentration of measure CoRR cs.IR/9901004: (1999)
1EEVladimir Pestov: A geometric framework for modelling similarity search CoRR cs.IR/9904002: (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Markus Hegland [3]
2Aleksandar Stojmirovic [6] [7] [8] [9]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)