
Léon Personnaz

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14EEIsabelle Rivals, Léon Personnaz, Lieng Taing, Marie-Claude Potier: Enrichment or depletion of a GO category within a class of genes: which test? Bioinformatics 23(4): 401-407 (2007)
13EEIsabelle Rivals, Léon Personnaz: Jacobian Conditioning Analysis for Model Validation. Neural Computation 16(2): 401-418 (2004)
12EEIsabelle Rivals, Léon Personnaz: MLPs (Mono-Layer Polynomials and Multi-Layer Perceptrons) for Nonlinear Modeling. Journal of Machine Learning Research 3: 1383-1398 (2003)
11EEIsabelle Rivals, Léon Personnaz: Construction of confidence intervals for neural networks based on least squares estimation. Neural Networks 13(4-5): 463-484 (2000)
10 Isabelle Rivals, Léon Personnaz: On Cross Validation for Model Selection. Neural Computation 11(4): 863-870 (1999)
9EEYacine Oussar, Isabelle Rivals, Léon Personnaz, Gérard Dreyfus: Training wavelet networks for nonlinear dynamic input-output modeling. Neurocomputing 20(1-3): 173-188 (1998)
8EEIsabelle Rivals, Léon Personnaz: A recursive algorithm based on the extended Kalman filter for the training of feedforward neural models. Neurocomputing 20(1-3): 279-294 (1998)
7 Léon Personnaz, Gérard Dreyfus: Comment on "Recurrent neural networks: A constructive algorithm, and its properties". Neurocomputing 20(1-3): 321-324 (1998)
6 Léon Personnaz, Gérard Dreyfus: Comment on "Discrete-time recurrent neural network architectures: A unifying review". Neurocomputing 20(1-3): 325-331 (1998)
5EEDavid Price, Stefan Knerr, Léon Personnaz, Gérard Dreyfus: Pairwise Neural Network Classifiers with Probabilistic Outputs. NIPS 1994: 1109-1116
4EEChristiane Linster, David Marsan, Claudine Masson, Michel Kerszberg, Gérard Dreyfus, Léon Personnaz: A Formal Model of the Insect Olfactory Macroglomerulus: Simulations and Analytic Results. NIPS 1992: 1022-1029
3 Léon Personnaz, Gérard Dreyfus: Neural Network Models and Applications: an Overview. Modelling the Innovation 1990: 1-8
2 Léon Personnaz, Gérard Dreyfus: Neurocomputing in France. Neurocomputing 1(1): 35-36 (1989)
1EEGérard Dreyfus, Isabelle Guyon, Jean-Pierre Nadal, Léon Personnaz: High Order Neural Networks for Efficient Associative Memory Design. NIPS 1987: 233-241

Coauthor Index

1Gérard Dreyfus [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
2Isabelle Guyon [1]
3Michel Kerszberg [4]
4Stefan Knerr [5]
5Christiane Linster [4]
6David Marsan [4]
7Claudine Masson [4]
8Jean-Pierre Nadal [1]
9Yacine Oussar [9]
10Marie-Claude Potier [14]
11David Price [5]
12Isabelle Rivals [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
13Lieng Taing [14]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)