
Michael P. Perrone

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13EEMichael P. Perrone, Tanaz Sowadagar: Cell BE - Cell BE software programming and toolkits. SC 2006: 10
12EEJohn F. Pitrelli, Jayashree Subrahmonia, Michael P. Perrone: Confidence modeling for handwriting recognition: algorithms and applications. IJDAR 8(1): 35-46 (2006)
11EEFaisal Farooq, Venu Govindaraju, Michael P. Perrone: Pre-processing Methods for Handwritten Arabic Documents. ICDAR 2005: 267-271
10EEMichael P. Perrone, Alessandro Vinciarelli: Markov Model Document Retrieval. ICDAR 2003: 1223-1227
9EESung-Jung Cho, Michael P. Perrone, Eugene H. Ratzlaff: Probability Table Compression for Handwritten Character Recognition. ICDAR 2003: 173-
8EEJohn F. Pitrelli, Michael P. Perrone: Confidence-Scoring Post-Processing for Off-Line Handwritten-Character Recognition Verification. ICDAR 2003: 278-
7EEAlessandro Vinciarelli, Michael P. Perrone: Combining Online and Offline Handwriting Recognition. ICDAR 2003: 844-848
6EEMichael P. Perrone, Gregory F. Russell, Aiman Ziq: Machine learning in a multimedia document retrieval framework. IBM Systems Journal 41(3): 494-503 (2002)
5EEThomas Kwok, Michael P. Perrone: Adaptive N-Best List Handwritten Word Recognition. ICDAR 2001: 168-
4EEThomas Kwok, Michael P. Perrone, Gregory F. Russell: Ink Retrieval from Handwritten Documents. IDEAL 2000: 461-466
3EEMichael P. Perrone, Brian S. Blais: Regression NSS: An Alternative to Cross Validation. COLT 1995: 385-391
2EEMichael P. Perrone, Leon N. Cooper: The Ni1000: High Speed Parallel VLSI for Implementing Multilayer Perceptrons. NIPS 1994: 747-754
1EEMichael P. Perrone: Putting It All Together: Methods for Combining Neural Networks. NIPS 1993: 1188-1189

Coauthor Index

1Brian S. Blais [3]
2Sung-Jung Cho [9]
3Leon N. Cooper [2]
4Faisal Farooq [11]
5Venu Govindaraju (Venugopal Govindaraju) [11]
6Thomas Kwok [4] [5]
7John F. Pitrelli [8] [12]
8Eugene H. Ratzlaff [9]
9Gregory F. Russell [4] [6]
10Tanaz Sowadagar [13]
11Jayashree Subrahmonia [12]
12Alessandro Vinciarelli [7] [10]
13Aiman Ziq [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)