
Radia J. Perlman

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23EERadia J. Perlman, Charlie Kaufman: User-centric PKI. IDtrust 2008: 59-71
22EERadia J. Perlman: Routing Without Tears, Bridging Without Danger. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track 2006
21EERadia J. Perlman: File System Design with Assured Delete. IEEE Security in Storage Workshop 2005: 83-88
20EERadia J. Perlman: What's a PKI, Why Would I Want One, and How Should it Be Designed? LISA 2005
19EERadia J. Perlman: Rbridges: Transparent Routing. INFOCOM 2004
18EECharlie Kaufman, Radia J. Perlman, Bill Sommerfeld: DoS protection for UDP-based protocols. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2003: 2-7
17EERadia J. Perlman: Mythology and Folklore of Network Protocols. LCN 2002: 289-292
16EEDah-Ming Chiu, Miriam Kadansky, Radia J. Perlman, John Reynders, Guy L. Steele Jr., Murat Yuksel: Deadlock-Free Routing Based on Ordered Links. LCN 2002: 62-71
15EEYassir Elley, Anne H. Anderson, Steve Hanna, Sean Mullan, Radia J. Perlman, Seth Proctor: Building Certifications Paths: Forward vs. Reverse. NDSS 2001
14EERadia J. Perlman, Charlie Kaufman: Analysis of the IPSec Key Exchange Standard. WETICE 2001: 150-156
13EERadia J. Perlman, Charlie Kaufman: Key Exchange in IPSec: Analysis of IKE. IEEE Internet Computing 4(6): 50-56 (2000)
12EERadia J. Perlman, Charlie Kaufman: Secure Password-Based Protocol for Downloading a Private Key. NDSS 1999
11 Radia J. Perlman, Suchitra Raman: Techniques for Making IP Multicast Simple and Scalable. Networked Group Communication 1999: 270-285
10 Radia J. Perlman: Routing Protocols. The Computer Science and Engineering Handbook 1997: 1800-1814
9 Ross W. Callon, Radia J. Perlman, I. Michael C. Shand: Routing Architecture Digital Technical Journal 5(1): 0- (1993)
8 George Varghese, Radia J. Perlman: Transparent Interconnection of Incompatible Local Area Networks Using Bridges. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 8(1): 42-48 (1990)
7EERadia J. Perlman, George Varghese: Pitfalls in the design of distributed routing algorithms. SIGCOMM 1988: 43-54
6EERadia J. Perlman, George Varghese: Transparent interconnection of incompatible local area networks using bridges. Computer Communication Review 17(5): 381-389 (1987)
5EERadia J. Perlman, E. Stecher, P. Karp: Directory services/IBM versus CCITT (panel session, title only). SIGCOMM 1985: 105
4EERadia J. Perlman: An algorithm for distributed computation of a spanningtree in an extended LAN. SIGCOMM 1985: 44-53
3 Radia J. Perlman: Hierarchical Networks and the Subnetwork Partition Problem. Computer Networks 9: 297-303 (1985)
2 Radia J. Perlman: Fault-Tolerant Broadcast of Routing Information. INFOCOM 1983: 93-102
1 Radia J. Perlman: Fault-Tolerant Broadcast of Routing Information. Computer Networks 7: 395-405 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Anne H. Anderson [15]
2Ross W. Callon [9]
3Dah-Ming Chiu [16]
4Yassir Elley [15]
5Steve Hanna [15]
6Miriam Kadansky [16]
7P. Karp [5]
8Charlie Kaufman [12] [13] [14] [18] [23]
9Sean Mullan [15]
10Seth Proctor [15]
11Suchitra Raman [11]
12John Reynders [16]
13I. Michael C. Shand [9]
14Bill Sommerfeld [18]
15E. Stecher [5]
16Guy L. Steele Jr. [16]
17George Varghese [6] [7] [8]
18Murat Yuksel [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)