
Nuno Pereira

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10EEBjörn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar: How a cyber-physical system can efficiently obtain a snapshot of physical information even in the presence of sensor faults. WISES 2008: 1-10
9EEBjörn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Wilfried Elmenreich, Eduardo Tovar, Filipe Pacheco, Nuno Cruz: A Scalable and Efficient Approach for Obtaining Measurements in CAN-Based Control Systems. IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics 4(2): 80-91 (2008)
8EEBjörn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar: Analyzing TDMA With Slot Skipping. IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics 4(4): 225-236 (2008)
7EENuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Björn Andersson: Exact Analysis of TDMA with Slot Skipping. RTCSA 2007: 63-72
6EENuno Pereira, Björn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar, Anthony Rowe: Static-Priority Scheduling over Wireless Networks with Multiple Broadcast Domains. RTSS 2007: 447-458
5EENuno Pereira, Björn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar: WiDom: A Dominance Protocol for Wireless Medium Access. IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics 3(2): 120-130 (2007)
4EEAna Paula Tomás, Nelma Moreira, Nuno Pereira: Designing a Solver for Arithmetic Constraints to Support Education in Mathematics. AIAI 2006: 433-441
3EENuno Pereira, Björn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar: Implementation of a Dominance Protocol for Wireless Medium Access. RTCSA 2006: 162-172
2EEBjörn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar, Nuno Pereira: Analyzing TDMA with Slot Skipping. RTSS 2005: 15-24
1EENuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Luís Miguel Pinho: INDEPTH: Timeliness Assessment of Ethernet/IP-Based Systems. MASCOTS 2004: 192-201

Coauthor Index

1Björn Andersson [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
2Nuno Cruz [9]
3Wilfried Elmenreich [9]
4Nelma Moreira [4]
5Filipe Pacheco [9]
6Luís Miguel Pinho [1]
7Anthony Rowe [6]
8Ana Paula Tomás [4]
9Eduardo Tovar [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)