
Jordi Pereira

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14EEJoaquín Bautista, Jordi Pereira: A dynamic programming based heuristic for the assembly line balancing problem. European Journal of Operational Research 194(3): 787-794 (2009)
13EEManuel Chica, Oscar Cordón, Sergio Damas, Jordi Pereira, Joaquín Bautista: Incorporating Preferences to a Multi-objective Ant Colony Algorithm for Time and Space Assembly Line Balancing. ANTS Conference 2008: 331-338
12EEChristian Blum, Joaquín Bautista, Jordi Pereira: An Extended Beam-ACO Approach to the Time and Space Constrained Simple Assembly Line Balancing Problem. EvoCOP 2008: 85-96
11EEJoaquín Bautista, Jordi Pereira, Belarmino Adenso-Díaz: A Beam Search approach for the optimization version of the Car Sequencing Problem. Annals OR 159(1): 233-244 (2008)
10EEJoaquín Bautista, Elena Fernández, Jordi Pereira: Solving an urban waste collection problem using ants heuristics. Computers & OR 35(9): 3020-3033 (2008)
9EEJoaquín Bautista, Jordi Pereira, Belarmino Adenso-Díaz: A GRASP approach for the extended car sequencing problem. J. Scheduling 11(1): 3-16 (2008)
8EEJoaquín Bautista, Jordi Pereira: A GRASP algorithm to solve the unicost set covering problem. Computers & OR 34(10): 3162-3173 (2007)
7EEJoaquín Bautista, Jordi Pereira: Ant algorithms for a time and space constrained assembly line balancing problem. European Journal of Operational Research 177(3): 2016-2032 (2007)
6EEChristian Blum, Joaquín Bautista, Jordi Pereira: Beam-ACO Applied to Assembly Line Balancing. ANTS Workshop 2006: 96-107
5 Joaquín Bautista, Alberto Gomez, Jordi Pereira, Jesús Lozano Mosterín: Comparison Between Metaheuristic and Exact Models in the Packing Problem Resolution. IC-AI 2005: 435-441
4EEJoaquín Bautista, Jordi Pereira: Ant Algorithms for Urban Waste Collection Routing. ANTS Workshop 2004: 302-309
3 Alberto Gomez, David de la Fuente, Joaquín Bautista, Jordi Pereira, Laia Ferrer: A Comparative Study of Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms. IC-AI 2004: 3-9
2EEJoaquín Bautista, Jordi Pereira: Ant Algorithms for Assembly Line Balancing. Ant Algorithms 2002: 65-75
1EEJoaquín Bautista, Jordi Pereira: Ant Colonies for the RCPS Problem. CCIA 2002: 257-268

Coauthor Index

1Belarmino Adenso-Díaz [9] [11]
2Joaquín Bautista [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
3Christian Blum [6] [12]
4Manuel Chica [13]
5Oscar Cordón [13]
6Sergio Damas [13]
7Elena Fernández [10]
8Laia Ferrer [3]
9David de la Fuente [3]
10Alberto Gomez [3] [5]
11Jesús Lozano Mosterín [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)