
Altamiro da Costa Pereira

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8 Pedro Manuel Vieira Marques, Arthur Cunha, Luis Antunes, Ricardo João Cruz Correia, Altamiro da Costa Pereira: A First Approach for a Regional Wide VEPR. HEALTHINF (1) 2008: 215-218
7 Ricardo João Cruz Correia, Altamiro da Costa Pereira: For how long is Data from Previous Admissions Accessed by Hospital Doctors? HEALTHINF (1) 2008: 219-222
6EEAlberto Freitas, Altamiro da Costa Pereira, Pavel Brazdil: Cost-Sensitive Decision Trees Applied to Medical Data. DaWaK 2007: 303-312
5EEAna Ferreira, Ricardo João Cruz Correia, Luis Antunes, P. Farinha, E. Oliveira-Palhares, David W. Chadwick, Altamiro da Costa Pereira: How to Break Access Control in a Controlled Manner. CBMS 2006: 847-854
4EEMónica Sara Santos, João Falcão e Cunha, Altamiro da Costa Pereira: Usability Requirements for Improving the Infection Module of a Hospital Intensive Care Unit Information System. DSV-IS 2006: 39-51
3EERicardo João Cruz Correia, Pedro Manuel Vieira Marques, Pedro Costa, Ana Ferreira, E. Oliveira-Palhares, F. Araújo, Altamiro da Costa Pereira: Integration of hospital data using agent technologies - A case study. AI Commun. 18(3): 191-200 (2005)
2EEAna Ferreira, Ricardo João Cruz Correia, Luis Antunes, Ernesto Palhares, Pedro Manuel Vieira Marques, Pedro Costa, Altamiro da Costa Pereira: Integrity for Electronic Patient Record Reports. CBMS 2004: 4-9
1 Ana Ferreira, Ricardo João Cruz Correia, Altamiro da Costa Pereira: Securing a Web-Based EPR: An Approach to Secure a Centralized EPR Within a Hospital. ICEIS (3) 2004: 54-59

Coauthor Index

1Luis Filipe Coelho Antunes (Luis Antunes) [2] [5] [8]
2F. Araújo [3]
3Pavel Brazdil [6]
4David W. Chadwick [5]
5Ricardo João Cruz Correia [1] [2] [3] [5] [7] [8]
6Pedro Costa [2] [3]
7Arthur Cunha [8]
8João Falcão e Cunha [4]
9P. Farinha [5]
10Ana Ferreira [1] [2] [3] [5]
11Alberto Freitas [6]
12Pedro Manuel Vieira Marques [2] [3] [8]
13E. Oliveira-Palhares [3] [5]
14Ernesto Palhares [2]
15Mónica Sara Santos [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)