
Georgia Perakis

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7EEAmr Farahat, Georgia Perakis: Profit loss in differentiated oligopolies. Oper. Res. Lett. 37(1): 43-46 (2009)
6EESoulaymane Kachani, Georgia Perakis: Fluid dynamics models and their applications in transportation and pricing. European Journal of Operational Research 170(2): 496-517 (2006)
5EEGeorgia Perakis, Anshul Sood: Competitive Multi-period Pricing for Perishable Products: A Robust Optimization Approach. Math. Program. 107(1-2): 295-335 (2006)
4EEElodie Adida, Georgia Perakis: A Robust Optimization Approach to Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control with no Backorders. Math. Program. 107(1-2): 97-129 (2006)
3EEMichele Aghassi, Dimitris Bertsimas, Georgia Perakis: Solving asymmetric variational inequalities via convex optimization. Oper. Res. Lett. 34(5): 481-490 (2006)
2EEThomas L. Magnanti, Georgia Perakis: Solving variational inequality and fixed point problems by line searches and potential optimization. Math. Program. 101(3): 435-461 (2004)
1 Thomas L. Magnanti, Georgia Perakis: A unifying geometric solution framework and complexity analysis for variational inequalities. Math. Program. 71: 327-351 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Elodie Adida [4]
2Michele Aghassi [3]
3Dimitris Bertsimas [3]
4Amr Farahat [7]
5Soulaymane Kachani [6]
6Thomas L. Magnanti [1] [2]
7Anshul Sood [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)