
Teemu Pennanen

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7EETeemu Pennanen: Epi-convergent discretizations of multistage stochastic programs via integration quadratures. Math. Program. 116(1-2): 461-479 (2009)
6EEPetri Hilli, Matti Koivu, Teemu Pennanen, Antero Ranne: A stochastic programming model for asset liability management of a Finnish pension company. Annals OR 152(1): 115-139 (2007)
5EEBoris S. Mordukhovich, Teemu Pennanen: Epi-convergent discretization of the generalized Bolza problem in dynamic optimization. Optimization Letters 1(4): 379-390 (2007)
4EETeemu Pennanen: Financial Optimization. OR 2006: 113
3EETeemu Pennanen, Markku Kallio: A splitting method for stochastic programs. Annals OR 142(1): 259-268 (2006)
2EETeemu Pennanen, Benar Fux Svaiter: Solving monotone inclusions with linear multi-step methods. Math. Program. 96(3): 469-487 (2003)
1EETeemu Pennanen: Local Convergence of the Proximal Point Algorithm and Multiplier Methods Without Monotonicity. Math. Oper. Res. 27(1): 170-191 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Petri Hilli [6]
2Markku Kallio [3]
3Matti Koivu [6]
4Boris S. Mordukhovich [5]
5Antero Ranne [6]
6Benar Fux Svaiter [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)