
Lee G. Pedersen

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7EELalith E. Perera, Thomas A. Darden, Lee G. Pedersen: Predicted solution structure of zymogen human coagulation FVII. Journal of Computational Chemistry 23(1): 35-47 (2002)
6 Leping Li, Clarice R. Weinberg, Thomas A. Darden, Lee G. Pedersen: Gene selection for sample classification based on gene expression data: study of sensitivity to choice of parameters of the GA/KNN method. Bioinformatics 17(12): 1131-1142 (2001)
5EEJose M. Mercero, Paul Barrett, Cheuk W. Lam, Joseph E. Fowler, Jesus M. Ugalde, Lee G. Pedersen: Quantum mechanical calculations on phosphate hydrolysis reactions. Journal of Computational Chemistry 21(1): 43-51 (2000)
4EEGilles Tiraboschi, Nohad Gresh, Claude Giessner-Prettre, Lee G. Pedersen, David W. Deerfield: Parallel ab initio and molecular mechanics investigation of polycoordinated Zn(II) complexes with model hard and soft ligands: Variations of binding energy and of its components with number and charges of ligands. Journal of Computational Chemistry 21(12): 1011-1039 (2000)
3 Thomas A. Darden, Lee G. Pedersen, Abdulnour Toukmaji, Michael Crowley, Thomas Cheatham: Particle-Mesh Based Methods for Fast Ewald Summation in Molecular Dynamics Simulations. PPSC 1997
2 Darrin M. York, Lee J. Bartolotti, Thomas A. Darden, Lee G. Pedersen, M. W. Anderson: Simulations of the Solution Structure of HIV-1 Protease in the Presence and Absence of Bound Zinc. Journal of Computational Chemistry 15(1): 61-71 (1994)
1EELee G. Pedersen, G. L. Carison: Molecular fragment transfer in ab initio calculations. Computers & Chemistry 1(2): 137-138 (1977)

Coauthor Index

1M. W. Anderson [2]
2Paul Barrett [5]
3Lee J. Bartolotti [2]
4G. L. Carison [1]
5Thomas Cheatham [3]
6Michael Crowley [3]
7Thomas A. Darden [2] [3] [6] [7]
8David W. Deerfield [4]
9Joseph E. Fowler [5]
10Claude Giessner-Prettre [4]
11Nohad Gresh [4]
12Cheuk W. Lam [5]
13Leping Li [6]
14Jose M. Mercero [5]
15Lalith E. Perera [7]
16Gilles Tiraboschi [4]
17Abdulnour Toukmaji [3]
18Jesus M. Ugalde [5]
19Clarice R. Weinberg [6]
20Darrin M. York [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)