
Siani Pearson

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19EETariq Ehsan Elahi, Siani Pearson: Privacy Assurance: Bridging the Gap Between Preference and Practice. TrustBus 2007: 65-74
18EEJohn Sören Pettersson, Simone Fischer-Hübner, Marco Casassa Mont, Siani Pearson: How ordinary internet users can have a chance to influence privacy policies. NordiCHI 2006: 473-476
17EESiani Pearson, Marco Casassa Mont: A System for Privacy-Aware Resource Allocation and Data Processing in Dynamic Environments. SEC 2006: 471-482
16EEMarco Casassa Mont, Siani Pearson, Robert Thyne: A Systematic Approach to Privacy Enforcement and Policy Compliance Checking in Enterprises. TrustBus 2006: 91-102
15EESiani Pearson: Towards Automated Evaluation of Trust Constraints. iTrust 2006: 252-266
14EESiani Pearson, Marco Casassa Mont: Provision of Trusted Identity Management Using Trust Credentials. iTrust 2006: 267-282
13EEThomas Roessler, Giles Hogben, Marco Casassa Mont, Siani Pearson: Position paper: Rule Language Requirement for Privacy-Enabled Identity Management. Rule Languages for Interoperability 2005
12EEMarco Casassa Mont, Siani Pearson: An Adaptive Privacy Management System for Data Repositories. TrustBus 2005: 236-245
11EESiani Pearson: How Trusted Computers can Enhance for Privacy Preserving Mobile Applications. WOWMOM 2005: 609-613
10EESiani Pearson: Trusted Computing: Strengths, Weaknesses and Further Opportunities for Enhancing Privacy. iTrust 2005: 305-320
9EESiani Pearson, Marco Casassa Mont, Stephen Crane: Persistent and Dynamic Trust: Analysis and the Related Impact of Trusted Platforms. iTrust 2005: 355-363
8EEMarco Casassa Mont, Siani Pearson, Pete Bramhall: Towards Accountable Management of Identity and Privacy: Sticky Policies and Enforceable Tracing Services. DEXA Workshops 2003: 377-382
7EEMichael Kinateder, Siani Pearson: A Privacy-Enhanced Peer-to-Peer Reputation System. EC-Web 2003: 206-215
6EEMarco Casassa Mont, Siani Pearson, Pete Bramhall: Towards Accountable Management of Privacy and Identity Information. ESORICS 2003: 146-161
5EEChris Preist, Siani Pearson: An Adaptive Choice of Messaging Protocol in Multi Agent Systems. Foundations and Applications of Multi-Agent Systems 2002: 227-242
4EESiani Pearson: A Trusted Method for Self-profiling in e-Commerce. Trust, Reputation, and Security 2002: 177-193
3 Boris Balacheff, David Chan, Liqun Chen, Siani Pearson, Graeme Proudler: Securing Intelligent Adjuncts Using Trusted Computing Platform Technology. CARDIS 2000: 177-196
2EELiqun Chen, Siani Pearson, A. Vamvakas: On enhancing biometric authentication with data protection. KES 2000: 249-252
1EEChris Preist, Siani Pearson: An Adaptive Choice of Messaging Protocol in Multi Agent Systems. ICMAS 1998: 457-458

Coauthor Index

1Boris Balacheff [3]
2Pete Bramhall [6] [8]
3David Chan [3]
4Liqun Chen [2] [3]
5Stephen Crane [9]
6Tariq Ehsan Elahi [19]
7Simone Fischer-Hübner [18]
8Giles Hogben [13]
9Michael Kinateder [7]
10Marco Casassa Mont [6] [8] [9] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18]
11John Sören Pettersson [18]
12Chris Preist [1] [5]
13Graeme Proudler [3]
14Thomas Roessler [13]
15Robert Thyne [16]
16A. Vamvakas [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)