
José M. Peña

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7EEJosé M. Peña, Roland Nilsson, Johan Björkegren, Jesper Tegnér: Towards scalable and data efficient learning of Markov boundaries. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 45(2): 211-232 (2007)
6EERoland Nilsson, José M. Peña, Johan Björkegren, Jesper Tegnér: Evaluating Feature Selection for SVMs in High Dimensions. ECML 2006: 719-726
5EEJosé M. Peña, Roland Nilsson, Johan Björkegren, Jesper Tegnér: Reading Dependencies from the Minimal Undirected Independence Map of a Graphoid that Satisfies Weak Transitivity. Probabilistic Graphical Models 2006: 247-254
4EEJosé M. Peña, Roland Nilsson, Johan Björkegren, Jesper Tegnér: Identifying the Relevant Nodes Without Learning the Model. UAI 2006
3EEJosé M. Peña, Johan Björkegren, Jesper Tegnér: Growing Bayesian network models of gene networks from seed genes. ECCB/JBI 2005: 229
2EEJosé M. Peña, Johan Björkegren, Jesper Tegnér: Scalable, Efficient and Correct Learning of Markov Boundaries Under the Faithfulness Assumption. ECSQARU 2005: 136-147
1EEJosé M. Peña, Johan Björkegren, Jesper Tegnér: Learning dynamic Bayesian network models via cross-validation. Pattern Recognition Letters 26(14): 2295-2308 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Johan Björkegren [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Roland Nilsson [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Jesper Tegnér [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

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