
Marco Antonio Paz-Ramos

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4 Pedro Ponce Cruz, Flavio Lucio Pontecorvo, Cristian Tena, Karla C. Muñoz, Dianaid Y. Valencia, Gloria I. Salazar, Marco Antonio Paz-Ramos: Automatization based on artificial intelligence. ACST 2006: 202-206
3EEMarco Antonio Paz-Ramos, Laura E. Muñoz Morales, L. B. Montes Juan, G. Romero Bazán: Genetic Rules to Tune Proportional + Derivative Controllers for Integrative Processes with Time Delays. CONIELECOMP 2005: 143-148
2EEMarco Antonio Paz-Ramos, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Enrique Quintero-Marmol-Marquez, Hugo Estrada-Esquivel: PID Controller Tuning for Stable and Unstable Processes Applying GA. GECCO (2) 2004: 1-10
1EEMarco Antonio Paz-Ramos, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Enrique Quintero-Marmol-Marquez: Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controllers Tuning for Unstable and Integral Processes Using Genetic Algorithms. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 532-539

Coauthor Index

1G. Romero Bazán [3]
2Pedro Ponce Cruz [4]
3Hugo Estrada-Esquivel [2]
4L. B. Montes Juan [3]
5Laura E. Muñoz Morales [3]
6Karla C. Muñoz [4]
7Flavio Lucio Pontecorvo [4]
8Enrique Quintero-Marmol-Marquez [1] [2]
9Gloria I. Salazar [4]
10Cristian Tena [4]
11Jose Torres-Jimenez [1] [2]
12Dianaid Y. Valencia [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)