
Charles Payan

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18EESylvain Gravier, Julien Moncel, Charles Payan: A generalization of the pentomino exclusion problem: Dislocation of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 307(3-5): 435-444 (2007)
17EESylvain Gravier, Philippe Jorrand, Mehdi Mhalla, Charles Payan: Quantum Octal Games. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 17(4): 919-932 (2006)
16EESylvain Gravier, Charles Payan: Flips Signés et Triangulations d'un Polygone. Eur. J. Comb. 23(7): 817-821 (2002)
15EEShalom Eliahou, Sylvain Gravier, Charles Payan: Three Moves on Signed Surface Triangulations. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 84(1): 118-125 (2002)
14EESylvain Gravier, Charles Payan: On the Pentomino Exclusion Problem. Discrete & Computational Geometry 26(3): 375-386 (2001)
13EESylvain Gravier, Michel Mollard, Charles Payan: On the nonexistence of three-dimensional tiling in the Lee metric II. Discrete Mathematics 235(1-3): 151-157 (2001)
12EERachid Chérifi, Sylvain Gravier, Xavier Lagraula, Charles Payan, Ismaïl Zighem: Domination Number of the Cross Product of Paths. Discrete Applied Mathematics 94(1-3): 101-139 (1999)
11EESylvain Gravier, Michel Mollard, Charles Payan: On the Non-existence of 3-Dimensional Tiling in the Lee Metric. Eur. J. Comb. 19(5): 567-572 (1998)
10EEStefan Janaqi, Charles Payan: Une caracterisation des produits d'arbres et des grilles. Discrete Mathematics 163(1-3): 201-208 (1997)
9EECharles Payan: Empilement de cercles égaux dans un triangle équilatéral a propos d'une conjecture d'Erdös-Oler. Discrete Mathematics 165-166: 555-565 (1997)
8EEHong-Jian Lai, Hongyuan Lai, Charles Payan: A Property on Edge-disjoint Spanning Trees. Eur. J. Comb. 17(5): 447-450 (1996)
7EEShixin Sun, Charles Payan: Sur l'immersion gracieuse de KN dans Qn. Discrete Mathematics 102(1): 79-83 (1992)
6EECharles Payan: On the chromatic number of cube-like graphs. Discrete Mathematics 103(3): 271-277 (1992)
5EEFrançois Jaeger, Nathan Linial, Charles Payan, Michael Tarsi: Group connectivity of graphs - A nonhomogeneous analogue of nowhere-zero flow properties. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 56(2): 165-182 (1992)
4EEMichel Mollard, Charles Payan: Some progress in the packing of equal circles in a square. Discrete Mathematics 84(3): 303-307 (1990)
3EEAbdelkader Khelladi, Charles Payan: Generalized n-tuple colorings of a graph: A counterexample to a conjecture of Brigham and Dutton. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 37(3): 283-289 (1984)
2EECharles Payan: Perfectness and dilworth number. Discrete Mathematics 44(2): 229-230 (1983)
1EEFrançois Jaeger, Charles Payan, Mekkia Kouider: Partition of odd regular graphs into bistars. Discrete Mathematics 46(1): 93-94 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Rachid Chérifi [12]
2Shalom Eliahou [15]
3Sylvain Gravier [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
4François Jaeger [1] [5]
5Stefan Janaqi [10]
6Philippe Jorrand [17]
7Abdelkader Khelladi [3]
8Mekkia Kouider [1]
9Xavier Lagraula [12]
10Hong-Jian Lai [8]
11Hongyuan Lai [8]
12Nathan Linial (Nati Linial) [5]
13Mehdi Mhalla [17]
14Michel Mollard [4] [11] [13]
15Julien Moncel [18]
16Shixin Sun [7]
17Michael Tarsi [5]
18Ismaïl Zighem [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)