
Sachar Paulus

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16EESachar Paulus: Sieving in Function Fields. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
15EEIngrid Biehl, Sachar Paulus, Tsuyoshi Takagi: Efficient Undeniable Signature Schemes Based on Ideal Arithmetic in Quadratic Orders. Des. Codes Cryptography 31(2): 99-123 (2004)
14 Cristina Buchholz, Sachar Paulus: Identity Management und die Integration in Anwendungen. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 7(9): (2003)
13 Sachar Paulus, Helmut Reimer: Nützliche neue Impulse? Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 7(9): (2003)
12 Sachar Paulus: Rundum-sorglos-Paket mit Hindernissen - Trust Center Services im Blickfeld. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 25(9): (2001)
11EEDetlef Hühnlein, Sachar Paulus: On the Implementation of Cryptosystems Based on Real Quadratic Number Fields. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2000: 288-302
10EESachar Paulus, Tsuyoshi Takagi: A New Public-Key Cryptosystem over a Quadratic Order with Quadratic Decryption Time. J. Cryptology 13(2): 263-272 (2000)
9EEMichael Hartmann, Sachar Paulus, Tsuyoshi Takagi: NICE - New Ideal Coset Encryption. CHES 1999: 328-339
8 Sachar Paulus, Hans-Georg Rück: Real and imaginary quadratic representations of hyperelliptic function fields. Math. Comput. 68(227): 1233-1241 (1999)
7EESachar Paulus: Lattice Basis Reduction in Function Fields. ANTS 1998: 567-575
6EESachar Paulus, Andreas Stein: Comparing Real and Imaginary Arithmetics for Divisor Class Groups of Hyperelliptic Curves. ANTS 1998: 576-591
5EEDetlef Hühnlein, Michael J. Jacobson Jr., Sachar Paulus, Tsuyoshi Takagi: A Cryptosystem Based on Non-maximal Imaginary Quadratic Orders with Fast Decryption. EUROCRYPT 1998: 294-307
4 Sachar Paulus, Tsuyoshi Takagi: A generalization of the Diffie-Hellman problem and related cryptosystems allowing fast decryption. ICISC 1998: 211-220
3EEJohannes Buchmann, Sachar Paulus: A One Way Function Based on Ideal Arithmetic in Number Fields. CRYPTO 1997: 385-394
2 Sachar Paulus: An Algorithm of Subexponential Type Computing the Class Group of Quadratic Orders over Principal Ideal Domains. ANTS 1996: 243-257
1 Sachar Paulus: Algorithms for CM-fields. ANTS 1994: 42

Coauthor Index

1Ingrid Biehl [15]
2Cristina Buchholz [14]
3Johannes Buchmann [3]
4Michael Hartmann [9]
5Detlef Hühnlein [5] [11]
6Michael J. Jacobson Jr. [5]
7Helmut Reimer [13]
8Hans-Georg Rück [8]
9Andreas Stein [6]
10Tsuyoshi Takagi [4] [5] [9] [10] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)