
Fredrik Paulsson

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3EEAmbjörn Naeve, Matthias Palmér, Mikael Nilsson, Fredrik Paulsson, Kevin Quick, Peter Scott: CoCoFlash: Conzilla, Confolio, and FlashMeeting Integration for Enhanced Professonal Learning. ICALT 2006: 1186-1187
2EEAmbjörn Naeve, Mikael Nilsson, Matthias Palmér, Fredrik Paulsson: Contributions to a public e-learning platform: infrastructure; architecture; frameworks; tools. IJLT 1(3): 352-381 (2005)
1EEMatthias Palmér, Ambjörn Naeve, Fredrik Paulsson: The SCAM Framework: Helping Semantic Web Applications to Store and Access Metadata. ESWS 2004: 167-181

Coauthor Index

1Ambjörn Naeve [1] [2] [3]
2Mikael Nilsson [2] [3]
3Matthias Palmér [1] [2] [3]
4Kevin Quick [3]
5Peter Scott [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)