
Merle G. Paule

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3EERay R. Hashemi, Michael S. Terry, Alexander A. Tyler, William Slikker, Merle G. Paule: The development of profiles for children with attention deficit disorder and monkeys: a neural network approach. SAC 1998: 55-59
2EERay R. Hashemi, F. Fred Choobineh, John R. Talburt, William Slikker, Merle G. Paule: A diagnostic system based on a multi-decision approximate rules model. SAC 1997: 20-24
1EERay Hasemi, Bruce A. Pearce, Ramin B. Arani, William G. Hinson, Merle G. Paule: A rough-genetic approach for classification of complex data. SAC 1996: 282-288

Coauthor Index

1Ramin B. Arani [1]
2F. Fred Choobineh [2]
3Ray Hasemi [1]
4Ray R. Hashemi [2] [3]
5William G. Hinson [1]
6Bruce A. Pearce [1]
7William Slikker [2] [3]
8John R. Talburt [2]
9Michael S. Terry [3]
10Alexander A. Tyler [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)