
Topon Kumar Paul

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8EETopon Kumar Paul, Ken Ueno, Koichiro Iwata, Toshio Hayashi, Nobuyoshi Honda: Risk prediction and risk factors identification from imbalanced data with RPMBGA+. GECCO (Companion) 2008: 2193-2198
7EETopon Kumar Paul, Ken Ueno, Koichiro Iwata, Toshio Hayashi, Nobuyoshi Honda: Genetic Algorithm Based Methods for Identification of Health Risk Factors Aimed at Preventing Metabolic Syndrome. SEAL 2008: 210-219
6EETopon Kumar Paul, Hitoshi Iba: Classification of Scleroderma and Normal Biopsy Data and Identification of Possible Biomarkers of the Disease. CIBCB 2006: 1-6
5EETopon Kumar Paul, Hitoshi Iba: Identification of weak motifs in multiple biological sequences using genetic algorithm. GECCO 2006: 271-278
4EETopon Kumar Paul, Hitoshi Iba: Extraction of informative genes from microarray data. GECCO 2005: 453-460
3EETopon Kumar Paul, Hitoshi Iba: Identification of Informative Genes for Molecular Classification Using Probabilistic Model Building Genetic Algorithm. GECCO (1) 2004: 414-425
2EETopon Kumar Paul, Hitoshi Iba: Reinforcement Learning Estimation of Distribution Algorithm. GECCO 2003: 1259-1270
1 Topon Kumar Paul, Hitoshi Iba: Optimization in Continuous Domain by Real-coded Estimation of Distribution Algorithm. HIS 2003: 262-271

Coauthor Index

1Toshio Hayashi [7] [8]
2Nobuyoshi Honda [7] [8]
3Hitoshi Iba [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Koichiro Iwata [7] [8]
5Ken Ueno [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)