
Souren Paul

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14EESouren Paul, Sumati Ray: Cultural Diversity, Perception of Work Atmosphere, and Task Conflict in Collaboration Technology Supported Global Virtual Teams: Findings from a Laboratory Experiment. HICSS 2009: 1-10
13EEImad Samarah, Souren Paul, Suresh Tadisina: Knowledge Conversion in GSS-Aided Virtual Teams: An Empirical Study. HICSS 2008: 344
12EEFang He, Souren Paul: An Empirical Investigation of the Roles of Outcome Controls and Psychological Factors in Collaboration Technology Supported Virtual Teams. HICSS 2008: 35
11EENongkran Lertpittayapoom, Souren Paul, Peter P. Mykytyn Jr.: A Theoretical Perspective on Effective Interorganizational Knowledge. HICSS 2007: 187
10EESouren Paul, Derek L. Nazareth: Social Cognition and Knowledge Creation using Collaborative Technology. HICSS 2007: 36
9EEImad Samarah, Souren Paul, Suresh Tadisina: Collaboration Technology Support for Knowledge Conversion in Virtual Teams: A Theoretical Perspective. HICSS 2007: 37
8EEFang He, Souren Paul: Time Pressure and Reward Inspiration as Outcome Controls for Information Sharing in Problem-Solving Virtual Teams. HICSS 2007: 39
7EESouren Paul: Cognition and Knowledge Creation in Collaboration Technology Supported Group Works: Mini-Track Introduction. HICSS 2005
6EESouren Paul, Priya Seetharaman, Imad Samarah, Peter Mykytyn: Understanding Conflict in Virtual Teams: An Experimental Investigation using Content Analysis. HICSS 2005
5EESouren Paul, Priya Seetharaman, K. Ramamurthy: User Satisfaction with System, Decision Process, and Outcome in GDSS Based Meeting: An Experimental Investigation. HICSS 2004
4EESouren Paul, William D. Haseman, K. Ramamurthy: Collective memory support and cognitive-conflict group decision-making: an experimental investigation. Decision Support Systems 36(3): 261-281 (2004)
3EEPriya Seetharaman, Souren Paul: Organizational memory in group decision making: use of constructive group conflict. ECIS 2003
2EEImad Samarah, Souren Paul, Peter Mykytyn, Priya Seetharaman: The Collaborative Conflict Management Style and Cultural Diversity in DGSS Supported Fuzzy Tasks: An Experimental Investigation. HICSS 2003: 40
1EESouren Paul: Collaborative Memory Support in Negotiation: A Theoretical Framework. HICSS 2001

Coauthor Index

1William D. Haseman [4]
2Fang He [8] [12]
3Nongkran Lertpittayapoom [11]
4Peter Mykytyn (Peter P. Mykytyn Jr.) [2] [6] [11]
5Derek L. Nazareth [10]
6K. Ramamurthy [4] [5]
7Sumati Ray [14]
8Imad Samarah [2] [6] [9] [13]
9Priya Seetharaman [2] [3] [5] [6]
10Suresh Tadisina [9] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)