
Jon Patrick

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10EEPeter MacIsaac, Donald Walker, Rachel L. Richesson, Heather Grain, Peter L. Elkin, Jon Patrick: Essential SNOMED: Simplifying SNOMED-CT and supporting Integration with Health Information Models. KR-MED 2008
9EEJon Patrick, Yefeng Wang, Peter Budd: An Automated System for Conversion of Clinical Notes into SNOMED Clinical Terminology. ACSW Frontiers 2007: 219-226
8EEYitao Zhang, Jon Patrick: Extracting Semantics in a Clinical Scenario. ACSW Frontiers 2007: 241-247
7EEJon Patrick: The Scamseek Project - Text Mining for Financial Scams on the Internet. Selected Papers from AusDM 2006: 295-302
6 Michele Zappavigna-Lee, Jon Patrick: Tactic Knowledge and Discourse Analysis. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (V) 2005: 2724-2729
5EEElisabeth Crawford, Irena Koprinska, Jon Patrick: Phrases and Feature Selection in E-Mail Classification. ADCS 2004: 59-62
4EECasey Whitelaw, Jon Patrick: Evaluating Corpora for Named Entity Recognition Using Character-Level Features. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2003: 910-921
3EEElisabeth Crawford, Irena Koprinska, Jon Patrick: A Multi-Learner Approach to E-mail Classification. ADCS 2002
2EEAnand Raman, John Newman, Jon Patrick: A complexity measure for diachronic Chinese phonology CoRR cmp-lg/9708007: (1997)
1 Jon Patrick: The CABER Project: The Capture and Analysis of Behavioural Events in Real-Time. ACM Annual Conference - The range of computing: mid-80's perspective 1985: 92-98

Coauthor Index

1Peter Budd [9]
2Elisabeth Crawford [3] [5]
3Peter L. Elkin [10]
4Heather Grain [10]
5Irena Koprinska [3] [5]
6Peter MacIsaac [10]
7John Newman [2]
8Anand Raman [2]
9Rachel L. Richesson [10]
10Donald Walker [10]
11Yefeng Wang [9]
12Casey Whitelaw [4]
13Michele Zappavigna-Lee [6]
14Yitao Zhang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)