
Otto Pastyr

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2 Werner Korb, Simone Barthold, Rolf Bendl, Gernot Echner, Karl-Heinz Grosser, Otto Pastyr, Harold Treuer, Volker Sturm, Wolfgang Schlegel: Entwicklung eines Hochpräzisions-Manipulators für die stereotaktische Neurochirurgie. Rechner- und sensorgestützte Chirurgie 2001: 336-343
1 Christian Lappe, Marcus Braun, Stefan Helfert, Frank Hirschfeld, Markus Menke, Otto Pastyr, Volker Sturm, Wolfgang Schlegel: Computer-controlled non-invasive patient positioning in fractionated radiotherapy - a videogrammetric system for automatic patient set-up, fast detection of patient motion and online correction of target point misalignment during therapy. CVRMed 1997: 695-704

Coauthor Index

1Simone Barthold [2]
2Rolf Bendl [2]
3Marcus Braun [1]
4Gernot Echner [2]
5Karl-Heinz Grosser [2]
6Stefan Helfert [1]
7Frank Hirschfeld [1]
8Werner Korb [2]
9Christian Lappe [1]
10Markus Menke [1]
11Wolfgang Schlegel [1] [2]
12Volker Sturm [1] [2]
13Harold Treuer [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)