
Wonbae Park

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3EEIkjin Jang, Wonbae Park: A Gesture-Based Control for Handheld Devices Using Accelerometer. CIARP 2004: 259-266
2EEJonghun Baek, Geehyuk Lee, Wonbae Park, Byoung-Ju Yun: Accelerometer Signal Processing for User Activity Detection. KES 2004: 610-617
1EEIkjin Jang, Wonbae Park: Gesture-Based User Interfaces for Handheld Devices Using Accelerometer. PCM (1) 2004: 359-368

Coauthor Index

1Jonghun Baek [2]
2Ikjin Jang [1] [3]
3Geehyuk Lee [2]
4Byoung-Ju Yun [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)