
Junseok Park

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9EEMikyeong Moon, Heung Seok Chae, Junseok Park, Keunhyuk Yeom: Two-Dimensional Framework for Analyzing Variabilities in Software Product Lines. ACIS-ICIS 2008: 531-536
8EEIan Oakley, Junseok Park: Did you feel something? Distracter tasks and the recognition of vibrotactile cues. Interacting with Computers 20(3): 354-363 (2008)
7EEIan Oakley, Junseok Park: A motion-based marking menu system. CHI Extended Abstracts 2007: 2597-2602
6EEKi-Uk Kyung, Jun-Young Lee, Junseok Park: Design and Applications of a Pen-Like Haptic Interface with Texture and Vibrotactile Display. FBIT 2007: 543-548
5EEEui Chul Lee, Kang Ryoung Park, Min Cheol Whang, Junseok Park: Robust Gaze Tracking Method for Stereoscopic Virtual Reality Systems. HCI (3) 2007: 700-709
4EEHeesook Shin, Junyoung Lee, Junseok Park, Youngjae Kim, Hyunjoo Oh, Taehwa Lee: A Tactile Emotional Interface for Instant Messenger Chat. HCI (9) 2007: 166-175
3 Taeseok Kim, Junseok Park, Seongyong Ahn, Kern Koh, Youjip Won, Hyokyung Bahn: A Heuristic-based Real-Time Disk Scheduling Algorithm for Mixed-Media Workload. EuroIMSA 2006: 165-170
2EEJunseok Park, Yeonghwan Tscha, Kyoon Ha Lee: Power-Efficient Seamless Publishing and Subscribing in Wireless Sensor Networks. ISCIS 2005: 94-102
1EEYung Yi, Yongho Seok, Taekyoung Kwon, Yanghee Choi, Junseok Park: W2F2Q: packet fair queuing in wireless packet networks. WOWMOM 2000: 2-10

Coauthor Index

1Seongyong Ahn [3]
2Hyokyung Bahn [3]
3Heung Seok Chae [9]
4Yanghee Choi [1]
5Taeseok Kim [3]
6Youngjae Kim [4]
7Kern Koh [3]
8Taekyoung Kwon [1]
9Ki-Uk Kyung [6]
10Eui Chul Lee [5]
11Jun-Young Lee [6]
12Junyoung Lee [4]
13Kyoon Ha Lee [2]
14Taehwa Lee [4]
15Mikyeong Moon [9]
16Ian Oakley [7] [8]
17Hyunjoo Oh [4]
18Kang Ryoung Park [5]
19Yongho Seok [1]
20Heesook Shin [4]
21Yeonghwan Tscha [2]
22Min Cheol Whang [5]
23Youjip Won [3]
24Keunhyuk Yeom [9]
25Yung Yi [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)