
Hwa Gyoo Park

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6EEHwa Gyoo Park: A role oriented requirements analysis for ERP implementation in medical service organizations. CSCWD 2008: 1076-1079
5EEHwa Gyoo Park: A Modeling Architecture for Collaborative Medicine Systems. CSCWD 2007: 1059-1062
4EEHwa Gyoo Park: Collaborative Medicine Systems - Modeling Concept and Architecture. CSCWD (Selected Papers) 2007: 575-583
3EEHwa Gyoo Park: A Component-Driven Development Framework for e-Business Systems. CSCWD 2006: 1254-1257
2EEHwa Gyoo Park: A Reusable Design Artifacts Managing Framework for e-Business Systems. CSCWD (Selected Papers) 2006: 237-246
1EEHwa Gyoo Park, Jong Myung Baik: A Manufacturing Execution Control Simulator Using Component Based Tool. ICPP Workshops 1999: 474-

Coauthor Index

1Jong Myung Baik [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)