
Néstor Parga

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23EEJaime de la Rocha, Néstor Parga: Thalamocortical transformations of periodic stimuli: the effect of stimulus velocity and synaptic short-term depression in the vibrissa-barrel system. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 25(1): 122-140 (2008)
22EERubén Moreno-Bote, Alfonso Renart, Néstor Parga: Theory of Input Spike Auto- and Cross-Correlations and Their Effect on the Response of Spiking Neurons. Neural Computation 20(7): 1651-1705 (2008)
21EEAlfonso Renart, Rubén Moreno-Bote, Xiao-Jing Wang, Néstor Parga: Mean-Driven and Fluctuation-Driven Persistent Activity in Recurrent Networks. Neural Computation 19(1): 1-46 (2007)
20EEJosé M. Delgado, Antonio Turiel, Néstor Parga: Receptive fields of simple cells from a taxonomic study of natural images and suppression of scale redundancy. Neurocomputing 69(10-12): 1224-1227 (2006)
19EERubén Moreno-Bote, Néstor Parga: Simple model neurons with AMPA and NMDA filters: role of synaptic time scales. Neurocomputing 65-66: 441-448 (2005)
18EERubén Moreno, Néstor Parga: Response of a LIF neuron to inputs filtered with arbitrary time scale. Neurocomputing 58-60: 197-202 (2004)
17EEJaime de la Rocha, Rubén Moreno, Néstor Parga: Correlations modulate the non-monotonic response of a neuron with short-term plasticity. Neurocomputing 58-60: 313-319 (2004)
16EEAntonio Turiel, Jean-Pierre Nadal, Néstor Parga: An Algorithm for Image Representation as Independent Levels of Resolution. ICANN 2002: 1213-1218
15EERubén Moreno, Néstor Parga: Firing Rate for a Generic Integrate-and-Fire Neuron with Exponentially Correlated Input. ICANN 2002: 223-228
14EEJaime de la Rocha, Angel Nevado, Néstor Parga: Information transmission by stochastic synapses with short-term depression: neural coding and optimization. Neurocomputing 44-46: 85-90 (2002)
13EEAlfonso Renart, Rubén Moreno, Jaime de la Rocha, Néstor Parga, Edmund T. Rolls: A model of the IT-PF network in object working memory which includes balanced persistent activity and tuned inhibition. Neurocomputing 38-40: 1525-1531 (2001)
12 Antonio Turiel, Néstor Parga: The Multifractal Structure of Contrast Changes in Natural Images: From Sharp Edges to Textures. Neural Computation 12(4): 763-793 (2000)
11EEMartin C. M. Elliffe, Edmund T. Rolls, Néstor Parga, Alfonso Renart: A recurrent model of transformation invariance by association. Neural Networks 13(2): 225-237 (2000)
10EENéstor Parga, Jean-Pierre Nadal: Blind source separation with time-dependent mixtures. Signal Processing 80(10): 2187-2194 (2000)
9 Alfonso Renart, Néstor Parga, Edmund T. Rolls: Connected Cortial Recurrent Networks. IWANN (1) 1999: 163-170
8EEAlfonso Renart, Néstor Parga, Edmund T. Rolls: A Recurrent Model of the Interaction Between Prefrontal and Inferotemporal Cortex in Delay Tasks. NIPS 1999: 171-177
7 Alfonso Renart, Néstor Parga, Edmund T. Rolls: Backward Projections in the Cerebral Cortex: Implications for Memory Storage. Neural Computation 11(6): 1349-1388 (1999)
6 Néstor Parga, Edmund T. Rolls: Transform Invariant Recognition by Association in a Recurrent Network. Neural Computation 10(6): 1507-1525 (1998)
5 Jean-Pierre Nadal, Néstor Parga: I.C.A.: conditions on cumulants and information theoretic approach. ESANN 1997
4 Antonio Turiel, Germán Mato, Néstor Parga, Jean-Pierre Nadal: Self-similarity Properties of Natural Images. NIPS 1997
3EEJean-Pierre Nadal, Néstor Parga: Redundancy Reduction and Independent Component Analysis: Conditions on Cumulants and Adaptive Approaches. Neural Computation 9(7): 1421-1456 (1997)
2EEJean-Pierre Nadal, Néstor Parga: Information Processing by a Perceptron. Int. J. Neural Syst. 3(Supplement): 41-50 (1992)
1EESilvia Bacci, Germán Mato, Néstor Parga: The Organization of Metastable States in A Neural Network with Hierarchichal Patterns. Int. J. Neural Syst. 1(1): 69-76 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Silvia Bacci [1]
2José M. Delgado [20]
3Martin C. M. Elliffe [11]
4Germán Mato [1] [4]
5Rubén Moreno [13] [15] [17] [18]
6Rubén Moreno-Bote [19] [21] [22]
7Jean-Pierre Nadal [2] [3] [4] [5] [10] [16]
8Angel Nevado [14]
9Alfonso Renart [7] [8] [9] [11] [13] [21] [22]
10Jaime de la Rocha [13] [14] [17] [23]
11Edmund T. Rolls [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [13]
12Antonio Turiel [4] [12] [16] [20]
13Xiao-Jing Wang [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)