
Frédéric Parain

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5EEGregory Bollella, Bertrand Delsart, Romain Guider, Christophe Lizzi, Frédéric Parain: Mackinac: Making HotSpotTM Real-Time. ISORC 2005: 45-54
4EEM. Teresa Higuera-Toledano, Valérie Issarny, Michel Banâtre, Frédéric Parain: Memory Management for Real-Time Java: An Efficient Solution using Hardware Support. Real-Time Systems 26(1): 63-87 (2004)
3EEM. Teresa Higuera-Toledano, Valérie Issarny, Michel Banâtre, Gilbert Cabillic, Jean-Philippe Lesot, Frédéric Parain: Region-Based Memory Management for Real-Time Java. ISORC 2001: 387-394
2EEFrédéric Parain, Gilbert Cabillic, Michel Banâtre, M. Teresa Higuera-Toledano, Valérie Issarny, Jean-Philippe Lesot: Increasing appliance autonomy using energy-aware scheduling of Java multimedia applications. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 2000: 171-175
1EEValérie Issarny, Michel Banâtre, Frédéric Weis, Gilbert Cabillic, Paul Couderc, M. Teresa Higuera-Toledano, Frédéric Parain: Providing an embedded software environment for wireless PDAs. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 2000: 49-54

Coauthor Index

1Michel Banâtre [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Gregory Bollella [5]
3Gilbert Cabillic [1] [2] [3]
4Paul Couderc [1]
5Bertrand Delsart [5]
6Romain Guider [5]
7M. Teresa Higuera-Toledano [1] [2] [3] [4]
8Valérie Issarny [1] [2] [3] [4]
9Jean-Philippe Lesot [2] [3]
10Christophe Lizzi [5]
11Frédéric Weis [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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