
Cécile Le Pape

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8EEStéphane Gançarski, Cécile Le Pape, Alda Lopes Gançarski: Freshness Control of XML Documents for Query Load Balancing. DEXA Workshops 2007: 35-39
7EECécile Le Pape, Stéphane Gançarski: Replica Refresh Strategies in a Database Cluster. VECPAR 2006: 679-691
6 Cécile Le Pape, Stéphane Gançarski, Patrick Valduriez: Replica Refresh Strategies in a Database Cluster. BDA 2005
5 Cécile Le Pape, Stéphane Gançarski, Patrick Valduriez: Refresco: Improving Query Performance through Freshness Control in a Database Cluster. BDA 2004: 153-173
4 Stéphane Gançarski, Cécile Le Pape, Hubert Naacke, Imen Sebei, Patrick Valduriez: The Leganet prototype : Managing Autonomous Databases in a Cluster System. BDA 2004: 347-350
3EECécile Le Pape, Stéphane Gançarski, Patrick Valduriez: Refresco: Improving Query Performance Through Freshness Control in a Database Cluster. CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE (1) 2004: 174-193
2 Cécile Le Pape, Stéphane Gançarski: Fraîcheur et validité de données répliquées dans des environnements transactionnels. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 9(5-6): 163-183 (2004)
1EECécile Le Pape, Stéphane Gançarski, Patrick Valduriez: Trading Freshness for Performance in a Cluster of Replicated Databases. OTM Workshops 2003: 14-15

Coauthor Index

1Alda Lopes Gançarski [8]
2Stéphane Gançarski [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
3Hubert Naacke [4]
4Imen Sebei [4]
5Patrick Valduriez [1] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)