
Ramu Panayappan

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2EEJoshua LeVasseur, Ramu Panayappan, Espen Skoglund, Christo du Toit, Leon Lynch, Alex Ward, Dulloor Rao, Rolf Neugebauer, Derek McAuley: Standardized But Flexible I/O for Self-Virtualizing Devices. Workshop on I/O Virtualization 2008
1EERamu Panayappan, Jayini Mukul Trivedi, Ahren Studer, Adrian Perrig: VANET-based approach for parking space availability. Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 2007: 75-76

Coauthor Index

1Joshua LeVasseur [2]
2Leon Lynch [2]
3Derek McAuley [2]
4Rolf Neugebauer [2]
5Adrian Perrig [1]
6Dulloor Rao [2]
7Espen Skoglund [2]
8Ahren Studer [1]
9Christo du Toit [2]
10Jayini Mukul Trivedi [1]
11Alex Ward [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)