
Yunpeng Pan

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6EEYunpeng Pan, Jun Wang: Nonlinear model predictive control using a recurrent neural network. IJCNN 2008: 2296-2301
5EEYunpeng Pan, Jun Wang: Robust Model Predictive Control Using a Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Network. ISNN (1) 2008: 883-892
4EEYunpeng Pan, Leyuan Shi: On the equivalence of the max-min transportation lower bound and the time-indexed lower bound for single-machine scheduling problems. Math. Program. 110(3): 543-559 (2007)
3EEYunpeng Pan, Leyuan Shi: Branch-and-bound algorithms for solving hard instances of the one-machine sequencing problem. European Journal of Operational Research 168(3): 1030-1039 (2006)
2EEYunpeng Pan, Leyuan Shi: A Stochastic On-Line Model for Shipment Date Quoting with On-Time Delivery Guarantees. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 1195-1200
1EEYunpeng Pan: An improved branch and bound algorithm for single machine scheduling with deadlines to minimize total weighted completion time. Oper. Res. Lett. 31(3): 492-496 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Leyuan Shi [2] [3] [4]
2Jun Wang [5] [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)