
Gábor Paller

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4EEGábor Paller, Heikki Kokkinen: Modular, service-oriented API for peer-to-peer middleware. MOBILWARE 2008: 42
3EEGergely Hományi, Gábor Paller: TCP-Based Dynamic Media Stream Adaptation in Ubiquitous Environment. MUE 2008: 505-510
2EEAttila Vangel, Balázs Bakos, Csaba Edvi, Szabolcs Fodor, Gábor Paller, Lóránt Farkas: Local Connectivity Solution over Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. VTC Spring 2007: 654-658
1EEGábor Paller: Building Reflective Mobile Middleware Framework on Top of the OSGi Platform. ICSR 2006: 354-367

Coauthor Index

1Balázs Bakos [2]
2Csaba Edvi [2]
3Lóránt Farkas [2]
4Szabolcs Fodor [2]
5Gergely Hományi [3]
6Heikki Kokkinen [4]
7Attila Vangel [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)