
Reinaldo M. Palhares

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11EEPetr Ekel, J. S. C. Martini, Reinaldo M. Palhares: Multicriteria analysis in decision making under information uncertainty. Applied Mathematics and Computation 200(2): 501-516 (2008)
10EEFernando O. Souza, Reinaldo M. Palhares, Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes, Leonardo A. B. Tôrres: Further Results on Master-Slave Synchronization of General Lur'e Systems with Time-Varying Delay. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 18(1): 187-202 (2008)
9EEFernando O. Souza, Reinaldo M. Palhares, Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes, Leonardo A. B. Tôrres: Robust Hinfinity Control for Master-Slave Synchronization of Lur'e Systems with Time-Delay Feedback Control. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 18(4): 1161-1173 (2008)
8EEC. D. Campos, Reinaldo M. Palhares, Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes, Leonardo A. B. Tôrres, L. A. Mozelli: Experimental Results on Chua's Circuit Robust Synchronization via LMIS. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 17(9): 3199-3209 (2007)
7EEFrederico G. Guimarães, Reinaldo M. Palhares, Felipe Campelo, Hajime Igarashi: Design of mixed H2/Hinfinity control systems using algorithms inspired by the immune system. Inf. Sci. 177(20): 4368-4386 (2007)
6EEEduardo N. Gonçalves, Reinaldo M. Palhares, Ricardo H. C. Takahashi, Renato C. Mesquita: Algorithm 860: SimpleS---an extension of Freudenthal's simplex subdivision. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 32(4): 609-621 (2006)
5EEAna Paula M. Braga, Ricardo Carnevalli, Petr Ekel, Marcelo Gontijo, Marcio Junges, Bernadete Maria de Mendonça Neta, Reinaldo M. Palhares: Fuzzy Logic Based Control of Voltage and Reactive Power in Subtransmission System. PReMI 2005: 332-337
4EEPetr Ekel, Carlos Martins, Cláudio Campos, Fernando H. Schuffner Neto, Reinaldo M. Palhares: Fuzzy Preference Relations and Multiobjective Decision Making. WSTST 2005: 83-92
3EEPetr Ekel, Efim Galperin, Reinaldo M. Palhares, Cláudio Campos, Marina Silva: Fuzzy Coefficients and Fuzzy Preference Relations in Models of Decision Making. KES 2003: 229-236
2EEReinaldo M. Palhares, Pedro L. D. Peres: Mixed filtering for uncertain linear systems: a linear matrix inequality approach. Int. J. System Science 31(9): 1091-1098 (2000)
1EEReinaldo M. Palhares, Pedro L. D. Peres: Optimal filtering schemes for linear discrete-time systems: a linear matrix inequality approach. Int. J. Systems Science 29(6): 587-593 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Ana Paula M. Braga [5]
2Felipe Campelo [7]
3C. D. Campos [8]
4Cláudio Campos [3] [4]
5Ricardo Carnevalli [5]
6Petr Ekel (Petr Yakovlevitch Ekel) [3] [4] [5] [11]
7Efim Galperin [3]
8Eduardo N. Gonçalves [6]
9Marcelo Gontijo [5]
10Frederico G. Guimarães [7]
11Hajime Igarashi [7]
12Marcio Junges [5]
13J. S. C. Martini [11]
14Carlos Martins [4]
15Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes [8] [9] [10]
16Renato C. Mesquita [6]
17L. A. Mozelli [8]
18Bernadete Maria de Mendonça Neta [5]
19Fernando H. Schuffner Neto [4]
20Pedro L. D. Peres [1] [2]
21Marina Silva [3]
22Fernando O. Souza [9] [10]
23Ricardo H. C. Takahashi [6]
24Leonardo A. B. Tôrres [8] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)