
Andris Padegs

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7EEAndris Padegs, Brian B. Moore, Ronald M. Smith, Werner Buchholz: The IBM System/370 Vector Architecture: Design Considerations. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(5): 509-520 (1988)
6EEBrian B. Moore, Andris Padegs, Ronald M. Smith, Werner Buchholz: Concepts of the System/370 Vector Architecture. ISCA 1987: 282-288
5 Andris Padegs: System/370 Extended Architecture: Design Considerations. IBM Journal of Research and Development 27(3): 198-205 (1983)
4 Andris Padegs: System/360 and Bayond. IBM Journal of Research and Development 25(5): 377-390 (1981)
3 Richard P. Case, Andris Padegs: Architecture of the IBM System/370. Commun. ACM 21(1): 73-96 (1978)
2 Andris Padegs: Structural Aspects of the System/360 Model 85 III: Extensions to Floating-Point Architecture. IBM Systems Journal 7(1): 22-29 (1968)
1 Andris Padegs: The Structure of SYSTEM/360 Part IV: Channel Design Considerations. IBM Systems Journal 3(2): 165-180 (1964)

Coauthor Index

1Werner Buchholz [6] [7]
2Richard P. Case [3]
3Brian B. Moore [6] [7]
4Ronald M. Smith [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)